With all the hype surrounding the upcoming expo2020 to be held in Dubai, UAE in year 2020 our team come up with some exciting ideas for the logo which we thought would represent the essence of event and its tag line “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future”.
These ideas are some conceptual thoughts that we came up with. Some of them are shared and shown below for our viewers. We reserve all copyright to the artwork shown here.
- The above logo designs are made to symbolize the theme of convergence and symbolizing the logo as a nexus of possibilities and future opportunities that lie ahead. The art is also made to represent the name Dubai written in Arabic along with 2020 at the bottom which signify the importance of Dubai as a global city with people from all walk of life living, celebrating and working together. The multiple dimension in the design and colors which are connected and integrated together suggest cooperation and collaboration.
The 2nd cocneptual logo design is made to symbolize collaboration, connection and partnership. The theme of global convergence is shown through the circular design which also emphasize the 7 emirates of which Dubai is a part through 7 motives which are designed to accentuate the rich culture and traditional perseverance. The design also symbolize the event as a nexus of possibilities and future opportunities that lie ahead. The colors represent 7 Emirates and also signify the importance of Dubai as a global city with people from all walk of life living, celebrating and working together.
- This design is made to symbolize the theme of convergence and symbolizing the logo as a nexus of possibilities and future opportunities that lie ahead. The colors represent UAE flag colors and also symbolize various cultural values and tradition which signify the importance of Dubai as a global city with people from all walk of life living, celebrating and working together. The multiple dimension in the arcs represent this aspect and show Dubai from various angles and signify infinite possibilities. The converging arc also signify a connection pointing towards Dubai as the central point in this logo.
- The 4th design is a logotype which is custom created to converge different culture, values and tradition which signify the importance of Dubai as a global cosmopolitan city with people from all walk of life. The infinite symbol which completes letter “x” and “p” signify unlimited possibilities which this events brings with it and different colors in the logo which are seemingly connected together represent the aspect of collaboration and partnership in a global scale.