
5 Ways How You Can Become a Better Artist in 2019

Art plays a major role in our lives, and paying attention to little details could make a huge difference to your artwork. There are many aspects to make your artwork stand out. I will highlight some of the basics that will help you ace your career as an artist, or just get you more involved in your hobby. So try to implement the following tips to create your next masterpiece.

Invest in High-Quality Supplies

When I first became interested in sketching, I found out that there were many different kinds of pencils including 4H, 2H, 2B, 4B. These just depend on how hard the pencil lead is. So if you want precision with your artwork, then choosing the right tools would be a good start. Purchase your supplies from a quality supplier who will provide you with genuine stuff which will bring out the best results.

Practice and Practice

Practice won’t actually make you perfect, but it will make you moderately good. If you are not learning from a professional art teacher, then opt for YouTube tutorials to create anything you like. Just make sure never to give up, and if you mess up the first two times, there’s always more tries! So keep practicing your art as your life depends on it.

Take Inspiration from Famous Artists

If you still face a lot of issues with the basic techniques of painting or sketching, you can observe famous works by renowned artists. Notice how they have used colors and shadows to compliment their work. You will need to research a lot before actually becoming a pro in the field of arts.

Pressure and Techniques Matter

I’ve heard stories where complete amateurs have become experienced professionals at painting. How do these people get the hang of it so easily? They focus on the right technique. One great tip is to hold the paint brush very gently, with your thumb putting the pressure on the body of the brush, and your middle and index finger supporting it.

Don’t Stick to One Thing

If you didn’t know already, there are a myriad of art styles for you to select from. Therefore, if you keep creating one type of artwork, you will not realize your true potential. Experiment with your comfort zone and learn how to create different art forms. See things from a unique perspective and just start pursuing your passion!

With the new year new me resolutions, give time to arts if it is something you actually love! Remember to have fun while doing all the above things, and you wouldn’t ever find it daunting.