If you like to design your invitations yourself or write a letter to someone special to you, you should consider designing your own envelopes. Designing your own envelop is fun, easy, and gives a personal touch to your invitations and letters.Following are some creative ideas for attractive envelop designs. Continue Reading →
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4 Tips to Remember When Shifting Your Brand to Your Business Stationery
As we’ve entered into the brand-conscious era, we’ve moved pass the point when basic information on a company’s stationeries would suffice. Today, companies have integrated their brand’s essence not only into their marketing collateral but stationery designs as well.
Regardless of how things are going paperless all thanks to the digital media, the need for business stationery can never be ignored. Therefore, it’s all the more important to have a company letterhead that reflects the company’s message, its serious attitude towards its brand. Continue Reading →