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Top 4 UX Design Trends of 2015-2016

UX (acronym of user experience) refers to the overall experience a user gets from a certain product, mostly used in the context of apps and technology. Trends can be seen in different trends of UX designs that are adapted and appreciated by a significant number of users, based upon which forecasts can be made about the design trends that might be favourable in the near future. Continue Reading →


6 Dominating Web Design Trends of 2015

Web design and development is an ever-expanding realm. Designers and developers around the globe are always ready to bring in more ideas and techniques to contribute to its expansion.

The design savvies deem those techniques as digital inventions, while we, the marketers, call them trends! Why…? Not only does it sound cool but also helps us pitch well to our clients, or bosses for that matter.

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