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Key points to Remember for Designing a Mesmeric “About Us” Page

When it comes to designing a business website, each and every page holds its own significance. However, the “About Us” page tops the position as it is considered to be a primary gateway for your prospects to know more about you in the briefest manner.

It certainly means that underestimating the impact of this particular page will spoil your plans.

Alright, for a couple of minutes, think of yourself as a potential customer who has landed to a website to find a reasonable solution to his problems. And, what if you are welcomed with a typically pathetic content that only talks about the company, a poor design that uses stock images instead of the real ones, and most of all, the same conventional user experience?

Would you prefer spending time to this website? Of course, no! Continue Reading →

personal website guidelines

Working on Your Personal Website? This is What You Need to See First

Do you want to establish yourself as a brand?

Are you launching your personal website to underline all your attributes and amazing professional background?

If yes, then you have to make sure that whatever the steps you are taking will impose a positive impact. It is because the internet is filled with plenty of personal websites and you are most likely to face an incredible competition. So, how are you going to stand yourself out?

Have you ever thought about it?

Well, keeping such an aspect in mind, we have pointed out a couple of personal websites that are doing great within their domains. And, the only reason for mentioning these portfolios is to inspire you, so that you can come up with some striking ideas for your own portfolio website. Continue Reading →